Saturday 21 May 2011

Emancipation Proclamation: Isabella

“Abraham Lincoln delivered the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862, outlawing ownership of other human beings, but it didn't end there. Slavery exists in every corner of America. With enough money, you can buy anyone.

It’s the year 2005… and today I’m being sold.”
Emancipation Proclamation Chapter 1

“Sleep is good, death is better; but of course the best thing would to have never been born at all.”

Heinrich Hein

EP is such a poignant tale that I have been drawn into completely. The harrowing tale of Isabella, born into slavery, sold to a new master at the tender age of sixteen. She knows nothing of the world and much of human cruelty. She inhabits the dark side of the world where life is mere survival without hope or possibility. Isabella’s life is about to change. That much I can tell already.



lovebel said...

And you are so right! Her life will change and what a journey that will be. The quote is indeed so true to Isabella in the beginning and so far from what persons she is at the end of EP.
Thanks for the wonderful post and banner, hon! xx

Ange said...

"It’s the year 2005… and today I’m being sold.”

You know what I find REALLY scary... it's the year 2011 and someone out there... some innocent girl who is probably poor and whose only sin was to be born under less than ideal circumstances, is being sold... it scares me and makes me incredibly sad because in RL these people do not find an Edward to save them... :(

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