Wednesday 23 February 2011


Hello All,

I have had the worst day and thought that some romance was in order so, continuing with the canon theme, here is a little Eclipsing.

Let's set the mood:

One of my favourite things about Edward is his willingness to sacrifice his happiness for Bella's, I find it magical that someone can love another so much that they truly put them first. Yes, I do know that they are fictional characters (I hope I'm not bursting anyone's bubble there lol) but to think that love like that exists in real life is a wondrous thing.

But even more beautiful is when Edward, for once in his very long and previously empty life, gets exactly what he desires. That smile... 

Click for a larger view

I reached for the ring, but his long fingers beat me there. He took my left hand in his, and slid the ring into place on my third finger. He held my hand out, and we both examined the oval sparkling against my skin. It wasn’t quite as awful as I’d feared, having it there.

“A perfect fit,” he said indifferently. “That’s nice — saves me a trip to the jewellers.”

I could hear some strong emotion burning under the casual tone of his voice, and I stared up at his face. It was there in his eyes, too, visible despite the careful nonchalance of his expression.

“You like that, don’t you?” I asked suspiciously, fluttering my fingers.

He shrugged his shoulders. “Sure,” he said, still casual. “It looks very nice on you.”

I stared into his eyes, trying to decipher the emotion that smoldered just under the surface. He gazed back, and the casual pretence suddenly slipped away. He was glowing — his angel’s face brilliant with joy and victory. He was so glorious that it knocked me breathless.

Before I could catch that breath, he was kissing me, his lips exultant. I was light-headed when he moved his mouth to whisper in my ear — but his breathing was just as ragged as mine.

“Yes, I like it. You have no idea.”

I laughed, gasping a little. “I believe you.”

I'm not very original today, but I hope that you like the banner.

Michelle honey, get well soon cc


lipca said...

You are the sweetest person. You made me tear up and that is really hard to do. I can't believe you mentioned me in your post. THank you so much!!

THe banner is beautiful!

Ange said...

*sniffles* Aw bb... I just love that scene in Eclipse... when he proposes...Gah his face when she says yes... *swoons*

they are not real? *pink bubble burst* *lower lip quivers*


This Banner is lovely bb... as I already told you in my fangirly emails...

And you're absolutely right...this kind of love existing in RL is a wondrous thing... believe it or not I do think it exists... I just think is as rare as blue diamonds

HeyCarrieAnn said...

Beautiful banner bb!!! So great! Love the mood music too! You are so special!!!

Rhian0000 said...

Thank you sweeties. You're all so kind to me!

Michelle, I'm so glad that all went well. I wish you a speedy recovery.

Ange, *giggles* I was thinking about your bubble as I was writing. Don't let me burst it!


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