Wednesday 12 May 2010

Bella and Edward Enthralled

So let’s go back to the beginning now with my first ever Photoshop creations, they are basic, but as the subject matter is Master of the Universe the emotions I tried to capture are complex.

This idea came to me before Edward and Bella had declared their love. They were both confused in the extreme, feeling a strong pull to one another that neither understood or had felt before, all the while not knowing if they could be what the other wanted and needed. Both nevertheless captivated; drawn in with magnetic force, but afraid of what could happen, afraid of being hurt if they shared their true and complete selves.

Click for a larger view

I made Bella’s portion colourful and bright, linking to the Icarus metaphor and how she feels drawn to the sun that is Edward, but fears the burn. Conversely, Edward sees himself in darkness and is plagued by black thoughts of unworthiness – thoughts that resonate in Tallis’ Spem in alium, chosen perfectly by Icy. The English translation reads:

I have never put my hope in any other but in you,
O God of Israel

who can show both anger
and graciousness,
and who absolves all the sins of suffering man
Lord God,
Creator of Heaven and Earth
be mindful of our lowliness

There may be fear and doubt, but overall there is hope.


Ange said...

thanks for the explanation...I'm often curious when I see a BAnner/Blinkie/Photoshop project of why the maker decided to go with those images, words etc...

Thanks for sharing it with us...

raizie said...

This is just beautiful, hon. It fits so perfectly. Thanks for sharing your talent with us!

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