Saturday 31 July 2010

Master of the Universe: The Separation

I was reading the Master of the Universe outtake for the Fandom Gives Back this morning and I was just as consumed and drawn in as ever. Fifty’s pain hurts my heart. He thinks so little of himself in some ways, while he is massively egotistical in others; quite the enigma.

Abused as a child, never overcoming the pain, his heart is bound tight in the iron grasp of his determination to never be hurt again, so much so he’s even willed himself to believe that it doesn’t exist.

Enter Isabella Swan; unknowingly unravelling everything he ever thought he knew, everything he had put in place to separate himself from the world. And now he’s separated from her, because he wouldn’t let himself be loved. Feeling all the pain and anxiety of losing her, reliving the nightmares that she chased away, replaying their short relationship in his mind he finally realises how much he needs her.

It was amazing to see the revelation as he succumbed consciously to his love for Bella, still unable to call it love, but willing to do anything and everything he could to catch himself a Swan.

Beautiful, Icy, as always.

Click for a larger view

If you haven’t read the outtake, click on the link below to find out how to make a charitable donation and get a copy of the outtake. It’s for a good cause and the chapter is definitely worth it.

Go now.


Icy said...

Oh Rhian this is Wow! Just Wow.
Love the banner... yep... that just about sums him up.
Thank you. xxx

Ange said...

I loved the review you wrote for this, just now I had the time to read it properly, your analysis of the outtake was just so to the point... and so well executed... and you chose the phrases that touched me the most to put on the Banner... Made me tear up...
but in a good way, like when you cry when you need to, it takes the weight of sadness away...And now I feel like I've properly digested this outtake...many Thanks xxx

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